There are two Americas. There is the white America. This America is about productivity, innovation, hard work, and personal responsibility. Then there is another America which is, essentially, a third world country. This is the America of most blacks, hispanics, and arabs, whose primary path to advancement is subjugating the good and productive people of America through Marxist methodologies.
Despite the fervent cuckoldry of libertarians in their belief that minorities are perfectly fungible for whites, it simply is not true. 40% of millennials are nonwhite, and 40% of millennials oppose free speech. This is not a coincidence. The only two nonwhite countries with constitutional guarantees of free speech are Japan and Hong Kong and only because whites wrote their constitutions for them. Liberty is a uniquely European tradition. The weltanschauung of foreigners will never be equivalent to white Europeans. Whiteness is Western civilization. If whites find ourselves in a minority in our nations, we will be enslaved at the hands of savages, and freedom of speech will die for the whole world. Nonwhites who value free speech are dependent upon Internet hosting out of white countries to continue being able to have a modicum of access to it.
Given enough time, this nonwhite Marxist America will devour the good white America. We need to amputate the wickedness like a gangrenous limb lest it destroy everything of value in the world. So with that I present our post-Trump talking point:
The Holy American Trumpire.
These are the states with the most disaffected white populations: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Michigan, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, West Virginia, Nevada, Arizona, and Missouri. We need to tell them if we can't make all of America great again, we can at least make some of it great again. We need to foment secessionist and radical militia movements in these states and get people psychologically prepared for the idea of an exit from our Republic and an ensuing civil war in case the government tries to interfere in the peaceful process. The ballot or the bullet, as our enemies have said.
Tons of Southerners have been waiting for Texas to secede for ages. Let's tell them the truth: following Texan secession is useless because Texans are more than happy to let themselves be overrun by Mexicans. In two generations Texas will be North Coahuila. We need to get Southern nationalists to accept leaving Texas to its fate, and worry about the parts of Dixie that want to keep their culture. A secessionist union based upon white disaffection is vastly superior to historical thoughts of secessionist unions based on the Mason-Dixon line. Tons of the South is cucked all to hell.
We must push this idea as hard as we can following a Trump loss. The most important thing is getting people in these areas to form armed groups capable of direct action in these areas and encourage them to think independently.
In the case of a Trump presidency, we have an equally important role to play:
Evolan Criticism
Julius Evola is one of the most important thinkers in regards to fascism that ever lived. His influence pervades the modern far right and third positioners. However in Mussolini's Italy he was a sworn anti-fascist. Unlike other anti-fascists, he hilariously denounced Mussolini's authority as not being totalitarian enough.
The left has already been framing discussions related to immigration. For example, just google: Trump deport 11 million. The left has been presenting the 11 million number over and over again in thousands of articles, asking Trump how he plans to deport 11 million immigrants. Trump did not provide this number. They did. I have no idea where this number comes from, but we do not need to deport 11 million people. The number is somewhere closer to 50 million. By starting the conversation at 11 they're hoping to settle for about half of that. In before "muh six million" and "anuddah shoah".
We need to shout at Trump that we expect all fifty million deported, and the compromise we're willing to make with the sobbing faggot left is that none of those foreign invaders get beheaded in the meantime. In exchange for our generous lack of public executions, we expect copious indictments against corporate traitors under 8 U.S.C. § 1324 (Bringing in and harboring certain aliens) for committing H1-B fraud to bring in cheap computer janitors that could have just as easily stayed in fucking India and worked remote. We need to constantly pull the Overton window right and tell our new political establishment that it is not doing enough to save America.
Hail the Spirit of Týr!
Whatever happens in the next five months, we have to use this momentum that we've gained. The Internet has blown the Overton window open and Trump was keen to seize on it, but the future of the West does not begin or end with him. Tomorrow belongs to us. We will fight. We will win.